What Are Flower Pot Heaters? As well as emitting delicate fragrance within your home environment, The Sun Garden’s heavenly range of all-natural palm wax candles can also be a great way of generating heat, to add warmth and comfort to smaller spaces within your home. Though candles produce a suitable amount of heat all on their own, with the addition of a couple of simple and inexpensive household items, you can turn your candles into an efficient ‘flower-pot heater’. This simple but effective method allows natural, affordable terracotta pots (that you may already have around the house) to collect the heat from a lit candle and concentrate it, radiating it out into any room of your house. This method results in the heat the candle produces being more available to the immediate area, giving you access to more heat than a naked flame alone. The basic method involves creating a two-layered structure from your pots, with a small assembly underneath, and is
Ever heard of the term 'holistic remedy' and scratched your head? A holistic remedy is the most natural and straight-forward approach that doesn't involve man-made medicines. Holistic remedies, such as Chamomile tea, for example, calms the nervous system to assist those suffering from insomnia. Honey, as another example, can treat cuts and dry skin, due to its natural moisturizing ability. These types of medicines are essential for anything, from beating the flu, to curing a bruise. Why do people choose holistic remedies? We live in a world consumed by medicines that are meant to heal one condition and develop another. Typically, store-bought medicines offer a small percentage of the organic root, followed with certain man-made chemicals to “help the body break the root down”. Some of the coating found on pills can be harmful to the human body, such as causing hormonal or reproductive problems in humans. Instead of taking a pill to help sneezing fits, try taking extra
Why is going organic and cruelty-free a great choice? The decision to use organic/cruelty-free products is not uncommon; however, not many are catching on to the reason for choosing organic, primarily because there's a stigma or disgrace with the words 'natural' or 'organic'. The stigma surrounding organic products is that its users are peace activists or are rich and 'can afford it'. The truth is that organic and cruelty-free products serve more of a purpose to human beings than realized. The word 'organic' can be defined as 'of, relating to, or derived from living matter' and has many benefits; the consistent use of organic skin-care and foods can remove the concern of harmful toxins, chemicals, and useless additives commonly used in the market. So what are the exact benefits in purchasing an organic product, and why is it a great choice? Set aside the stigma or inhibitions you have and consider this: Health benefits are essentials in the use of organic products. Organics use the