Ever heard of the term 'holistic remedy' and scratched your head? A holistic remedy is the most natural and straight-forward approach that doesn't involve man-made medicines. Holistic remedies, such as Chamomile tea, for example, calms the nervous system to assist those suffering from insomnia. Honey, as another example, can treat cuts and dry skin, due to its natural moisturizing ability. These types of medicines are essential for anything, from beating the flu, to curing a bruise.
Why do people choose holistic remedies? We live in a world consumed by medicines that are meant to heal one condition and develop another. Typically, store-bought medicines offer a small percentage of the organic root, followed with certain man-made chemicals to “help the body break the root down”. Some of the coating found on pills can be harmful to the human body, such as causing hormonal or reproductive problems in humans.
Instead of taking a pill to help sneezing fits, try taking extra Vitamin C. Vitamin-B Complex treats fatigue and helps you stay awake, instead of drinking excessive amounts of coffee or caffeine pills. White vinegar can treat Athlete's foot, and Arnica oil treats inflammation. Many people consider these basic items a must-have for home remedies; if you get a bruise late one night, do you really want to go the store and pick up pills?
Holistic medicine can cover anything from aromatherapy to astrology – the idea of holistic remedies comes from ancient 'roots' of civilization. Ancient Greece's Hippocrates, who was considered the founding father of modern medicine, believed that physicians should stay clear of harming the body's natural way of healing, and allow it to absorb organic roots on its own. Not only did Hippocrates teach the ways of holistic remedies, but he encouraged all doctors to keep clean, sterile conditions, and to keep the patient at rest for maximum healing potential. China and India also practiced natural remedies instead of using man-made medicines. There's nothing like reading the ingredients on your medication label and not knowing half of the information, or what it's for. Most drug companies and producers try to trick you into thinking you need each of those chemicals, and oftentimes, there are doctors who are paid to give out medication to their patients, even if they know it's bad for them. Holistic remedies stay true to their original purpose and cause the least amount of harm.
A common household item like apple cider vinegar can be consumed to boost your immune system, give you higher levels of energy, and rebuild your body's enzymes. Vinegar can also clean stained pots, balance the pH level in your skin, and make your hair shinier; all the while, it's cheaper and has multiple uses. Vinegar is also used in cooking, and adds delicious flavor to salads and pork dishes. You can even add vinegar to a boiling cup of hot water and baking soda to clean a clogged drain.
While holistic medicine may not always be a go-to choice for all ailments, it's worth having the remedies around just in case.